Trigger a function when an A-frame element is clicked

Is there a way to have an action triggered when clicking on an object within my scene? Specifically, I want to call a function named myFunction upon clicking the object. The object has been assigned the id of #plane1 - can this be utilized to achieve the desired functionality? How can I implement it so that clicking on #plane1 triggers the myFunction function?

Answer №1

If you want to trigger a function when an HTML element is clicked, you have a couple of options available. One way is to use the onclick event directly in the HTML code:

<div id="plane1" onclick="myFunction()">Click me</div>

Another option is to utilize JavaScript and the addEventListener() method to add the click event programmatically:

const plane = document.getElementById("plane1");
plane.addEventListener("click", myFunction);

For more information, you can refer to the following links:

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