Transforming HTML template into Thymeleaf format

Having trouble converting my HTML5 template for a spring project using Thymeleaf. I've changed all script src to th:src and style files (CSS files too) to th:href, but the design isn't displaying correctly.

<script th:src="@{/resources/js/jquery.min.js}" src=""></script>
<!-- Fonts -->
<link th:href="@{,400italic,700}" rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
<link th:href="@{}" href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
<link th:href="@{/resources/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css}" href='font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css' rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
<!-- Bootstrap -->
<link th:href="@{/resources/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css}" href="bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>

<!-- Main Style -->
<link rel="stylesheet" th:href="@{/resources/style.css}" href="style.css" />

<!-- owl Style -->
<link rel="stylesheet" th:href="@{/resources/css/owl.carousel.css}" href="css/owl.carousel.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" th:href="@{/resources/css/owl.transitions.css}" href="css/owl.transitions.css" />

<!-- rating -->
<script th:src="@{/resources/js/rate/jquery.raty.js}" src="js/rate/jquery.raty.js"></script>
<script th:src="@{/resources/js/labs.js}" src="js/labs.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<!-- Add mousewheel plugin (this is optional) -->
<script type="text/javascript" th:src="@{/resources/js/product/lib/jquery.mousewheel-3.0.6.pack.js}" src="js/product/lib/jquery.mousewheel-3.0.6.pack.js"></script>

<!-- fancybox -->
<script type="text/javascript" th:src="@{/resources/js/product/jquery.fancybox.js?v=2.1.5}" src="js/product/jquery.fancybox.js?v=2.1.5"></script>

<!-- custom js -->
<script th:src="@{/resources/js/shop.js}" src="js/shop.js"></script>

After converting the tags, an exception occurs when the page is executed as shown below. The image 'glyphicons-halflings.png' is not found in the bootstrap/img folder or the template folder. Interestingly, the template functions properly without Thymeleaf.
jquery.fancybox.js?v=2.1.5:1994 GET http://localhost:8080/resources/bootstrap/img/glyphicons-halflings.png 404 (Not Found)

Answer №1

If a resource has the "http://" prefix, there is no need to use th:href. For internal site resources like "/resources/bootstrap/img/glyphicons-halflings.png", you can omit "/resources as Spring Framework will automatically add it.

Here is an excerpt from the Spring documentation for your reference: By default, Spring serves static content from directories such as /static, /public, /resources, or /META-INF/resources in the classpath or from the root of the ServletContext. It utilizes the ResourceHttpRequestHandler from Spring MVC so you have the option to customize this behavior by creating your own WebMvcConfigurerAdapter and overriding the addResourceHandlers method.

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