Transform RGB values to the nearest valid CSS3 color name

I'm trying to convert an RGB value received using JavaScript to the closest valid CSS3 color name. While I found a Python solution, I'm struggling to translate it into JavaScript.

The purpose behind this conversion is to restrict the number of possible colors to around 10.

Convert RGB color to English color name, such as 'green'

Answer №1

Displaying below is a simple JavaScript function without any dependencies, while only the testing function utilizes jQuery for functionality. A collection of colors is stored in an array of objects since you mentioned a specific requirement to match around 10 predefined colors. The majority of the code focuses on visual representation.

The findClosestColorHex function accepts a hex value such as '#FF0000', whereas findClosestColorRGB takes three separate integers representing R, G, and B values. Both functions expect the color table as a parameter, allowing for easy customization if necessary, yet can be hardcoded if usage with a fixed set of colors is preferred.

In certain scenarios, the outcome may not be exact due to the limited palette defined in the color array comprising only 16 fundamental shades.

var ColorTable = [
{name:'black', hex: '#000000'},
{name:'silver', hex: '#C0C0C0'},
{name:'gray', hex: '#808080'},
{name:'aqua', hex: '#00FFFF'}
.color-field {
  display: inline-block;
  width: 200px;
  height: 50px;
  background-color: #000000;
<script src=""></script>
R: <input id="slider_r" type="range" min="0" max="255" step="0"/> <input type=text id="value_r" value='0'><br>
G: <input id="slider_g" type="range" min="0" max="255" step="0"/> <input type=text id="value_g" value='0'><br>
B: <input id="slider_b" type="range" min="0" max="255" step="0"/> <input type=text id="value_b" value='0'><br>
Selected: <span id='selected_color' class='color-field'>&nbsp;</span><br>
Matched: <span id='matched_color' class='color-field'>&nbsp;</span><span id="color_name">&nbsp;</span>

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