Tracking the Height of Hidden Elements During Page Resizing

I am currently attempting to determine the height of a hidden element after the page has been resized. More details can be found at this link:

The script is able to successfully log the height upon page load, but when the page is resized, it goes back to 0. I require this element's height to address a bug related to slidedown movement.

At the moment, the script I am using is as follows:


        jQuery(window).on('resize', doResize);      


  function doResize() {
        var orangeheight = $('.orangetoggle').actual('height');

An example of the bug can be seen live, where upon resizing, the log shows 0. However, upon clicking the + / - buttons, it successfully logs the height.

Thank you.

Answer №1

When dealing with hidden elements, it's important to note that you can't determine the height of an element that is not visible. One approach is to temporarily display the element, retrieve its height, and then hide it again. Another option is to position the element off-screen so that it remains hidden from the user.

One way to handle this situation is demonstrated below:

function calculateHeight() {
    var hiddenElementHeight = $('.hiddenelement').show().actual('height');

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