Toggle visibility of button based on React state

My current setup involves a button named download, which is a component integrated into my interface. The functionality associated with this button is implemented within a container.

I intend for the button to remain hidden by default unless a specific condition (i.e., "(i === number)" in the download function) is met.

The challenge lies in the fact that this condition can only be evaluated upon clicking the "download" button. This presents an obstacle as I am unsure how to preemptively validate this logic to determine whether the button should be displayed or not.

Could you provide assistance with resolving this issue? My attempt to establish a state variable for displaying the button has been unsuccessful.

The code snippet I have currently is as follows:


state = {
  showButton: false,

componentDidMount() {;

download = async () => {
  const data = await this.props.client
          query: numberQuery,
          fetchPolicy: "no-cache",
  // retrieve data from number query ....
  const contentData =;
  // retrieve and format numbers
  const numbers = this.getNumbers(contentData);
  // call get number and get the individual number here
  const number = await this.getNumber();
  numbers.forEach((i) => {
     // check if numbers contain the number from getNumber(), if number matches number in numbers
     if (i === number) {
        showButton: true,
          // call functions, start downloading
 render() {
   return (
     {this.state.showButton ? 
      onStartDownload={() =>}
      /> : null}


 class Download extends Component {
  state = {
    startDownload: false,
  startDownload = () => {
  render() {
    return (

Answer №1

It seems like the issue is that the numbers are only fetched and the button logic is executed after the download button is clicked. You want this process to happen as soon as possible, preferably when the component mounts.

In React, it's a good practice to separate data fetching from render/event handling logic. In your case, one solution would be to fetch the data when the component mounts, store it in state variables like numbers and number, and then check if the number exists in the array when rendering the component.

Here is an example:

// Parent component; child component remains unchanged

state = {
  number: null,
  numbers: []

componentDidMount() {

async fetchNumbers() {
  const data = await this.props.client
      query: numberQuery,
      fetchPolicy: 'no-cache',
  // retrieve data from number query ....
  const contentData =;

  // retrieve and format numbers
  const numbers = this.getNumbers(contentData);

  this.setState({ numbers });

async fetchNumber() {
  // Assuming this involves another HTTP request or similar operation
  const number = await this.getNumber();

  this.setState({ number });

download = async () => {
  // Logic for downloading only
render() {
  const { number, numbers } = this.state;
  const showDownload = numbers.includes(number);

  return showDownload 
    ? <Download onStartDownload={() =>}/> 
    : null;

Some notes:

  • Using Array.includes() instead of an Array.forEach() loop simplifies the code and reduces potential bugs.
  • I separated the functions fetchNumbers() and fetchNumber() because they deal with two distinct pieces of state. It might be more efficient to fetch them independently. You could also improve it by having the functions return data instead of changing state, and then utilizing Promise.all() in componentDidMount().
  • It's a best practice in web development to indicate loading until core data asynchronously loads, using loaders, especially in production environments.

Answer №2

To ensure your class component works properly, make sure to include a constructor and utilize the setState() method to update the state. Take a look at the code snippet below for reference:

 class Download extends react.Component {
  constructor() {
    super(); // Make sure to include this line
    this.state = {
      startDownload: false

  startDownload = () => {
    this.setState((prevState) => ({
      startDownload: !prevState.startDownload

  render() {
    return (
        <button id="download" onClick={this.startDownload}>

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