Toggle the visibility of items by clicking on them

I am looking to toggle the visibility of elements on a timeline based on the selected year.

For example, if a user clicks on the year 2015, all child elements should be hidden. If the user clicks on the same year again, the elements should then be shown.

I have customized the HTML and CSS for my design, with the original script available at

I've created a demo on JSFiddle here:

However, I'm encountering an issue where clicking on the year only hides the first element instead of all the cd-timeline-block within that specific year block.

Answer №1

The reason for this behavior is that using .next() only targets the first next sibling in the current context, not all of them. To target all siblings, you can modify the click handler like so:


Alternatively, you can use:




See Working Demo

Update: To keep only the first year option open:


Demo with first option open

Answer №2

Make sure to implement the following code snippet:


It is important to note that .next() will only retrieve the next element, whereas you need to utilize .nextAll() to retrieve all elements.

Check out this Fiddle for reference

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