Toggle the highlighting in React

I have a list of data that displays in a Collapse, and I want it to highlight for every user click in the list, but only one at a time should be highlighted.

If you'd like to see a sample to better understand this concept, please check out:

const [highlight, setHighlight] = useState(false)
const handleClick = () => {
   if (on) set(null)
   else set(index)
  <Collapse in={viewLocationList} sx={{ my: '2px' }}>
    {!!searchParameter && (
      <Box className="rounded-scrollbar widget-result-container"
        my: 1,
        bgcolor: on && "lightgrey",
        "&:hover": { bgcolor: on && "lightgrey" }
        {, key, on) => (
            index={key} on={highlight === key} set={setHighlight}

Please note the error in the current code:

Answer №1

Chances are, you may have forgotten to pass the "on" prop from the parent component to your item component, similar to the example provided.

Answer №2

Your sandbox has been set up correctly. The issue lies in the fact that you are attempting to pass an on prop from your filteredLocations map, which does not actually exist. This prop is not necessary because you already define the on with the highlight === key comparison later on.

Instead of:

{, key, on) => (...)}

try rendering your list like this:

{, key) => (...)}

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