Toggle jQuery to hide a div and update its CSS styling

There is an anchor with the class of "hide-btn1" that I want to trigger a series of actions when clicked:

  1. The rcol-content should hide and the text should change from Hide to Show
  2. The #container width needs to increase to 2038px
  3. The table.status-table width must be increased to 1669px

I've written this code snippet so far, but I'm not sure how to proceed:

$('.hide-btn1').on('click', function(e) {
     $(this).text(function(i,v) {
           return v === 'Show' ? 'Hide' : 'Show';

Note: I have also included the requested HTML Code below:

<div id="container">
   <a class="hide-btn1">Hide</a>

   <div class="rcol-content">
        <p>This would be included in the right column</p>

   <table class="status-table>
        <td>Table Data</td>

</div><!-- end container -->

Answer №1

I have implemented a solution based on the information you provided. A quick way to achieve this is:


However, I would suggest adding a class with CSS below the default styles in the stylesheet instead of using JavaScript to generate CSS.


I hope this solution is helpful. As others have mentioned, it would be beneficial to provide a fiddle or codepen to further explain your desired outcome. Good luck!

Fiddle here

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