To modify the text within the pagination select box in ANTD, follow these steps:

Is it possible to modify the text within the ant design pagination select component? I have not been able to find a solution in the documentation.

I specifically want to replace the word "page" with another term:

Answer №1

I gave this solution a shot and it did the trick.

    messages={{ items_per_page: "/ page"}}

Answer №2

After an extensive search, I have come to the realization that there is no straightforward way to modify the default language content.

If you want to change the language, you can utilize the locale option and make adjustments within the specified files for the locale. While this may be considered unconventional, it is certainly achievable!

Answer №3

      localization: {
        items_per_page: intl.formatMessage({ id: "common-table-per-page" }),

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