``To easily navigate through web pages, visit the website for the most

Hi there! I am new to the world of Javascript and have been practicing building my own website. I'm looking for advice on the best way to navigate between pages.

  • index.html
  • pages/home.html
  • pages/about.html
  • pages/contact.html

One option would be to simply link to each page individually, but this means duplicating the same code for each page (which doesn't seem very efficient). Additionally, having URLs like www.mysite.con/pages/about.html is not very elegant; I would prefer something like www.mysite.com/about (without the ".html").

I've also experimented with using the load() function from JQuery to load page content into a specified div on my index page:

<div id="pageContentHere"></div>

This method allows me to use a single template for all pages, while keeping the URL consistent at www.mysite.com. However, I'm still open to suggestions on a smarter approach. How would you handle this navigation issue?

Answer №1

Great job on recognizing the flaws in your current setup. A more recent solution to consider is Single Page Applications, which, while potentially more resource-intensive, can be beneficial. Tools like React and GatsbyJS are examples of SPA frameworks that could work well for your static site, offering features like client-side routing and reusable components.

If you're looking for alternative options, exploring JavaScript templating engines might also be worth considering (check out this response).

Answer №2

I appreciate the valuable answers provided by everyone. In the end, I have decided to implement a solution that I believe strikes a good balance:

I have consolidated all pages into one and used Javascript to selectively display only the page I need:

(I can dynamically populate the content of the page divs using either jQuery or AngularJS without needing them to be physically present in the same file).


<div id="allPages">
    <div id="MainPage" class="page" style="background:red">
    Home page
        <li><a href="#SecondPage">Go to second page</a>
        <li><a href="#ThirdPage">Go to third page</a>
        <li><a href="#ForthPage">Go to forth page</a>
    <div id="SecondPage" class="page" style="background:yellow">
    This is second page
        <li><a href="#MainPage">Go to home page</a>
        <li><a href="#ThirdPage">Go to third page</a>
        <li><a href="#ForthPage">Go to forth page</a>

    <div id="ThirdPage" class="page" style="background:blue">
    This is third page
        <li><a href="#MainPage">Go to home page</a>
        <li><a href="#SecondPage">Go to second page</a>
        <li><a href="#ForthPage">Go to forth page</a>
    <div id="ForthPage" class="page" style="background:green">
    This is forth page
        <li><a href="#MainPage">Go to home page</a>
        <li><a href="#SecondPage">Go to second page</a>
        <li><a href="#ThirdPage">Go to forth page</a>


#allPages {
    position: absolute;
    width: 100%;
    /* display: flex; */
    height: 100%;

.page {
    border: 1px solid red;
    width: 100%;
    min-height: 100%;
    display: inline-block;


$( document ).ready(function() {
    var url;
    url = getUrl();
    $("#allPages ul li a").click(function(){
        var linkTo;

        linkTo = $(this).attr("href");


function getUrl(){

    var url;
    url = ($(location.hash).length===0) ? "#MainPage":location.hash;
    return url;

function goToClickedPage(url){

    $("#allPages .page").hide();

While not the most elegant approach, I hope this solution proves helpful to others. Any additional tips are certainly welcome.

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