To close the responsive menu, simply click anywhere outside of the navigation bar

My issue involves a responsive menu with Bootstrap. On desktop, the menu closes fine; however, on the responsive view, I want it to close when clicking outside of the nav menu in any area. Here is my navigation code:

<!-- Navigation -->

<nav id="navigation-sticky" class="white-nav b-shadow">

    <!-- Navigation Inner -->

    <div class="nav-inner">

        <div class="logo">

            <!-- Navigation Logo Link -->

            <a href="#home" class="scroll">

                <!-- Your Logo -->

                <img src="" class="site_logo" alt=""/><br>



        <!-- Mobile Menu Button -->

        <a  class="mobile-nav-button colored"><i class="fa fa-bars"></i></a>

        <!-- Navigation Menu -->

        <div class="nav-menu clearfix ">

            <ul class="nav uppercase oswald">

                <li><a href="#home" class="scroll">home</a></li>

                <li class="dropdown-toggle nav-toggle" ><span href="#about" class="scroll">About App<b data-toggle="dropdown"></b></span>

                    <!-- DropDown Menu -->

                    <ul class="dropdown-menu uppercase gray-border clearfix">                       

                        <li><a href="#works" class="scroll">HOW DOES IT WORK?</a></li>
                        <li><a href="#features" class="scroll">Features</a></li>                        
                        <li><a href="#what-we-do" class="scroll">APP FLOW</a></li>
                        <li><a href="#faq" class="scroll">F.A.Q</a></li>


                    <!-- End DropDown Menu -->


                <li><a href="#portfolio" class="scroll">Service Types</a></li>

                <li><a href="#skills" class="scroll">Cities</a></li>

                <li><a href="#prices" class="scroll">Rates</a>


                <li><a href="#download" class="scroll">Download</a></li>

                <li class="dropdown-toggle nav-toggle" ><span aria-expanded="false" aria-haspopup="true" role="button" data-toggle="dropdown" class="dropdown-toggle scroll">Become a Driver</span>

                    <!-- DropDown Menu -->

                    <ul class="dropdown-menu uppercase gray-border clearfix">                       

                        <li><a href="#" class="scroll">Signup</a></li>
                        <li><a href="#" class="scroll">Flyer</a></li>                       


                    <!-- End DropDown Menu -->


                                    <li><a href="#" class="scroll">login</a></li>

                <li><a href="#contact" class="scroll">contact</a></li>


        </div><!-- End Navigation Menu -->

    </div><!-- End Navigation Inner -->

</nav><!-- End Navigation -->

Although the script I'm using successfully closes the menu, I'm encountering an issue where double-clicking is required instead of single-clicking to open the menu.

$('html').click(function() {

Answer №1

Here is a possible solution for you:

$(document).mouseup(function (e)
    var container = $(".nav-menu");

    if (! // check if the click target is not the container
        && container.has( === 0) // check if the click target is not a descendant of the container
        container.css("display","none"); // hide the container

Update: Give this a try instead

var container = $(".nav-inner div.nav-menu, .mobile-nav-button");

if (! // check if the click target is not the container...
    && container.has( === 0) // ...or a descendant of the container
    $(".nav-inner div.nav-menu").slideUp(); // slide up the menu

Answer №2

Here is the solution you've been searching for:

$('body').click(function() {
//Hide the menu if it's visible


Answer №3

You can give this a shot:

$( "#menu" ).toggle( "slide" );

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