Tips on using jQuery to horizontally align an element in the viewport

Although this question has been raised before, my situation is rather unique. I am currently constructing an iframe for future integration into a slideshow component on the website.

The challenge lies in the fact that I have a dynamically sized flexbox that spans way beyond the visible screen area. My goal is to utilize a CSS technique involving:


This will allow me to horizontally center the currently viewed section of the page within the browser window. Essentially, even as the window size changes, the middle of the currently viewed element remains aligned with the center of the screen.

Given the adaptive nature of my content-based flexbox (which extends up to 5K pixels), using CSS percentages is not a viable option. Therefore, I turned to jQuery and employed $(window).width() to determine the current viewport dimensions and make necessary adjustments using the .css({}) method. Below is the jQuery script used:

var winWidthHalf = ($(window).width())/2;

Surprisingly, the code initially worked as expected. However, after restarting the PC, it suddenly stopped functioning. Despite attempting various troubleshooting methods, the issue remains unresolved. Any insights or assistance would be greatly appreciated... Here's a preview of the page, disregarding any irrelevant comments in the code:

Please note that all content on the page is purely for demonstration purposes.

In addition, I am seeking guidance on how to efficiently group the $(document).ready and $(window).resize functions to avoid redundant code repetition. I've struggled to find the correct syntax for achieving this.

Apologies for the lack of compatibility, as the sample is tailored for Chrome only at this early developmental stage.

Answer №1

The problem was resolved by adding the -webkit- prefix to the transform property, as it was related to a browser vendor extension.

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