Tips on implementing polymer.js to toggle the visibility of an element

On my HTML page, I have two different paper-card elements:

<paper-card done> 

In addition, there is a button:

<paper-icon-button icon="menu" on-tap="_show"></paper-icon-button>

I am trying to utilize the _show function to toggle the view state of <paper-card done> by changing its display style from none to block. How can I achieve this using Polymer? Thanks.

Answer №1

If you're looking to quickly toggle visibility in Polymer, one effective method is using the "hidden" attribute along with a boolean property and binding. Take a look at this example:

<paper-card done hidden$="[[hideDone]]">

The '$' symbol before the equal sign signifies to Polymer that it's a boolean property needing specific handling.

Simply include

this.set('hideDone', true)

in your '_show' function, and you should be good to go :)

To reverse the action and make it visible again, just switch the property back to false and repeat as needed.

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