Alright, so I'm in a bit of a bind here. I've been working on disabling all animations and thought I had it figured out by adding this class to the body:
class collection:
.no-transition * {
-webkit-transition: none !important;
-moz-transition: none !important;
-ms-transition: none !important;
-o-transition: none !important;
transition: none !important;
Everything seemed fine until I realized that the toggle button with animation was not affected by it. This is the CSS code for the button:
.slider:before {
position: absolute;
content: '';
height: 26px;
width: 26px;
left: 4px;
bottom: 4px;
background-color: white;
-webkit-transition: 0.4s;
transition: 0.4s;
It seems like .no-transition doesn't override the .slider:before transition. Any ideas on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!