Tips on how to postpone the loading of an image when utilizing a CSS animation on a different element

I'm currently working on a webpage where I have integrated CSS animations to move images around. When you click on these images, a larger version of the image along with a related paragraph is supposed to appear in its place. Initially, I had set up a delay for this enlarged view so it shows up after the other images have moved. However, when combining all elements, the delay no longer works and I can't seem to figure out why. Here's a link to my code for reference:

As a beginner in programming, I would greatly appreciate any assistance or insights you could provide. Feel free to take a look and let me know if you require more details. Thank you!

Answer №1

Alright, let me break down this code for you. Essentially, we have the onclick event of the HTML elements triggering a function called handleClick, and passing it this which is referring to the image that was clicked.

Within the handleClick function, we extract the image source from the src attribute and the paragraph element enclosed in the yeep attribute. Then, we iterate through each column to initiate animations. When we reach the final column, we define an animation variable, attach an event listener with a callback (required to be nested within an anonymous function for proper functionality). The callback then receives the last column's element, along with the src and yeep attributes as arguments.

After the animations conclude, the callback function is executed. It updates the larger image source and sets the paragraph content to their respective elements, making them visible on the screen.

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