Tips on customizing the appearance of mat-card-title within a mat-card

Is there a way to truncate the title of a mat card when it overflows? I tried using the following CSS:

white-space: nowrap

However, the style is being overridden by the default mat-card style. I attempted to use mat-card-header ::ng-deep, but I believe ng-deep is now deprecated. Does anyone have a more effective approach for achieving this?

Answer №1

Here is a helpful snippet:

<mat-card class="example-card">
        <div mat-card-avatar class="example-header-image"></div>
        <mat-card-title title="This is a test title header">This is a test title header</mat-card-title>
        <mat-card-subtitle>Dog Breed</mat-card-subtitle>

Additionally, you have the option to customize the CSS class in your component (app.component.css):

.mat-card-title {
  overflow:hidden ;
  white-space: nowrap;
  width: 30vw;

To ensure the text truncates with an ellipsis, set the width property accordingly. Thank you!

Answer №2

To avoid relying on ng deep, you have the option to customize the class's CSS directly.

Visit the primary CSS file located at common/style and analyze the material class using your browser's inspection tool.

Identify the complete class name discovered through the browser.

Implement the CSS modifications, save your changes, and then test the results.

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