Tips on creating type definitions for CSS modules in Parcel?

As someone who is brand new to Parcel, I have a question that may seem naive.

In my project, I am using typescript, react, less, and parcel. I am encountering an error with typescript stating 'Cannot find module 'xxx' or its corresponding type declarations.' I am aware that I can create a global typing file for all modules ending with the extension .less, but this approach results in errors like 'Property 'xxx' does not exist on type 'typeof import("*.less")'' and lacks IntelliSense while editing.

I am unsure if handling this issue falls under Parcel's responsibility. I came across a VSCode extension called CSS Modules Typed which seems to address the problem. However, there are several plugins for parcel that claim to provide a solution as well, but they do not seem to work for me.

Answer №1

To generate a type declaration file (.d.ts), simply create a new file named css.d.ts in any location within your project directory and add the following code:

declare module "*.css" {}

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