Tips on completing landing page animations and displaying the main page of a website by utilizing React JavaScript there a way to stop the landing page animation after 2-3 seconds and show the main page instead? Can I achieve this by using setTimeOut function in JavaScript? [ export default Loader;

Answer №1

Initially, I am curious to understand the rationale behind making the user wait for 2-3 seconds after the page has fully loaded. This delay can significantly impact User Experience, something that is crucial in today's digital landscape where performance is a key indicator for success.

If you do decide to proceed with this approach, one way to implement it would be to create a state in the parent component. This state can render a Loader component for the specified duration before switching to the MainPage component. It's similar to simulating async requests to a server that take a few seconds using the setTimeout function as suggested.

The code snippet for the parent component could look something like this:

const ParentComponent = () => {
  const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true) 

  useEffect(() => {setTimeout(() => {setLoading(false)}, 2000)}, []) 

  return loading ? <Loader /> : <MainPage />

That should cover it.

p.s: Just a reminder that hooks are meant to be used within functional components, and make sure to import CSS files simply as import "../styles/asd.css".

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