Tips on choosing the initial h4 element within the same parent element but at different levels of depth

Consider the following code snippet:

<div class="main-element">
    <h4>Title 1</h4>

The goal is to apply the same styling to all h4 elements, while adding additional styles to the first one. Specifically, the margin-top and margin-bottom for all h4 elements should be 8px, except for the first h4 element which should have a margin-top of 0.

Attempts were made using :first-child and first-of-type selectors, as shown below:

.main-element h4 {
  color: blue;

.main-element h4:first-of-type {
  color: red;

However, this resulted in all h4 elements being colored red, rather than just the first one.

Answer №1

first-of-type will evaluate to true for both instances of h4 because the second one is nested within an <li>, which resets the count back to the first child.

It may be helpful to assign unique classes to the elements you want to style individually.

.main-element .reset {
  margin-top: 0px;
  color: red;

.main-element h4 {
  margin-top: 8px;
  margin-bottom: 8px;
  color: blue;
<div class="main-element">
    <h4 class='reset'>Title 1</h4>

Answer №2

first-of-type refers to the first occurrence of a specific type within its parent container. Therefore, the selector .main-element h4:first-of-type targets the first h4 element that is a descendant of main-element.

If you only want to style the first h4 element that is a direct child of its parent, you can use the ">" selector, like so:

.main-element > h4:first-of-type {
  color: red;

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