Tips on avoiding quotation marks in a Less variable containing a color identifier

I'm currently working on an HTML/CSS project where I aim to establish classes for labels and texts based on their color. For instance:

    color: red;

    color: white;

In order to achieve this, my approach involves creating a mixin that takes a name and a color as arguments to generate these classes. Here is the mixin I've drafted:

.mixin(@name, @color) {
    .text-@{name} {
        color: @color !important;
    .label-@{name} {
        color: @color !important;

.mixin('white', white);

Upon executing this mixin, the output I receive is:

.text-'white'{ /* note the quotes*/
    color: #ffffff

If I were to run the mixin as .mixin(white, white); It yields:

    color: #ffffff

Inquiry: Is there a way for me to construct a class like text-white using a mixin?

Answer №1

According to the reference on LESS "e" function:

e(@string); // escape string content

By using the e function, you will obtain the correct outcome.

.mixin(@name, @color) {
    .text-@{name} {
        color: @color !important;
    .label-@{name} {
        color: @color !important;

.mixin(e('white'), white);

An alternative approach is to define a variable and then utilize it for multiple purposes:

@whiteLiteral: e('white');
//mixin declaration code
.mixin(@whiteLiteral, white);

Answer №2

LightStyle is correct, but if you find yourself needing to set multiple named colors, you can utilize a recursive loop with a list of string colors like the example below:

.color-loop(@list_length, @colors) when (@list_length > 0) {

    // Retrieve the current color from the list @colors at index @list_length
    @current_color: e( extract(@colors, @list_length) );

    .text-@{current_color} {
        color: @current_color;

    .background-@{current_color} {
        background-color: @current_color;

    // add more classes as needed

    // continue until end of list
    .color-loop( (@list_length - 1), @colors)


    // Specify the colors you need in this list and determine its size.
    @colors: "black", "dimgrey", "grey", "lightgrey", "white", "red", "blue", "green";
    @list_length: length(@colors);

    // Invoke the recursive loop with the provided list
    .color-loop(@list_length, @colors);


// calling the mixin

I trust this solution will be beneficial...

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