Tips on adjusting the width of a border

I'm facing a challenge with my select box setup:

<select class="selectpicker" multiple data-live-search="true" name="color[]" title="Nothing selected yet">

<option class="" style="border-bottom:2px solid; border-color:red" value="">Red</option>
<option class="" style="border-bottom:2px solid; border-color:black" value="">Black</option>
<option class="" style="border-bottom:2px solid; border-color:white" value="">White</option>


My goal is to have a line under each option text, similar to the image below:

However, I want the line to be only under the text itself, like "Red", and not full-width as shown in the example.

I attempted to adjust the width, but that didn't provide the desired outcome since I need the option to remain fully clickable.

Answer №1

If you want to restrict the underline to just the text, consider using text-decoration instead of a border. (Make sure to select a font that doesn't have underlines overlapping Persian characters):

option {text-decoration: underline;}
<select style="width:100%;" class="selectpicker" multiple data-live-search="true" name="color[]" title="موردی انتخاب نشده">
<option value="" style="color:red;text-decoration-color: red;">قرمز</option>
<option value="" style="color:black;text-decoration-color: black;">مشکی</option>
<option value="" style="color:#aaaaaa;text-decoration-color: aaaaaa;">سفید</option>

Answer №2

To resolve this issue, one can utilize the Text-decoration property in CSS:

<option class="" style="text-decoration:underline;" value="">Red</option>

Visit Codepen for more details.

Answer №3

try implementing this div {border-width: thin;} include some of these features:-

Measurement | Explanation

medium | Displays a medium border as the standard option
thin | Shows a thin border thick | Indicates a thick border
length | Permits you to specify the thickness of the border. Learn more about length units |
initial| Restores this property to its original value. Read more about initial inherit| Derives this property from its parent element. Find out more about inherit

alternatively, you can utilize this

  border-style: solid;
  border-width: 15px;

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