Tips on adjusting the color of a link once it has been clicked?

Looking for a link with a specific style?

a {
  color: #999;
  &:hover { color: #008da0; }
  &:visited { color: #999; } /* I added this to test if it's gonna fix it, but it didn't */

Upon clicking the link, it turns blue and remains so until you click elsewhere. This could be some form of highlighting or maybe the hover color that persists in the browser. Once you click away from the link, it reverts back to gray as expected.

Check out this video demonstration:

Answer №1

After reading through this resource without finding a solution, I decided to experiment with various CSS selectors such as :link, :active, :visited, and :hover. Even after inspecting the element, it still appeared grey when right-clicked, indicating a potential issue in the CSS code. Finally, after further investigation, I discovered that the problem lied within the a:focus selector.

Answer №2

To achieve that, you will require the assistance of jQuery. Take a look at this example.


<style> {color:gray}

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