Tips for vertically aligning values in a Bootstrap table

Currently, I am working on generating reports for an NGO that conducts surveys in schools. Once the reports are created, they need to be sent out in a specific format. While a simple table structure would suffice, I have decided to use Bootstrap classes to style the tables, with a focus on vertical alignment of text within the reports.

I have looked into various resources for information on vertical columns and design, but unfortunately have not found any relevant solutions. I would greatly appreciate any assistance in achieving my goal of aligning the proj#, proj code, proj name, and proj goal columns centered vertically like the image provided at this link:

At present, this is what I have developed for them:

Answer №1

To optimize your layout, consider using a table layout for this particular purpose. If you're transitioning away from tables, utilizing a for loop or while in your code may be beneficial. Create an array or MySQL table to retrieve values from the database. It's advisable to maintain your data in a database rather than relying solely on Bootstrap or table classes. However, keeping a table layout is still recommended due to its flexibility. Check out this tutorial for more information: MySQL PHP Tutorial

To rotate text using CSS, you can use transform: rotate(90deg);

.vertical-text {
    transform: rotate(-90deg);
    transform-origin: left center 0;
    padding-top: 50px;

<td rowspan="2">

Replace the value of rowspan with the row count retrieved from the database. This will ensure that your table appears correctly with properly merged columns.

Learn more about rowspan here: How to Use Rowspan and Colspan

Take a look at this fiddle for a demonstration: HTML Table Fiddle

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