Tips for utilizing SeleniumRC within JUnit framework for elements with dynamically changing IDs

I'm currently in the process of automating a workflow and I need to click on a link within a table row. The challenge is that all links within the rows share the same element ID, and the source code has a JavaScript code snippet like this: ("Element ID" @ Onclick... java script). When I click on the link, it navigates from one form to another by inputting values into the JavaScript code and dynamically changing a value. How can I correctly click on this link? Is there a solution using XPath or another method based on CSS classID? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated as the main issue is the identical element ID and constantly changing JavaScript. I've tried using selenium.focus() and selenium.clickAndwait(), but unfortunately they are unable to identify the link solely based on its ID.

Answer №1

The most effective approach for this task is to utilize xpath.

Using something like //*[@onclick='javascript'] may be a quick solution, but it can lead to unreliable tests if the inline javascript changes or is replaced with addEventListener on the element.

Instead, consider using a method like //*[@class='cssClass']. It would be beneficial to consult with the developers and request their assistance in making it more conducive for testing purposes.

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