Tips for utilizing numerous tables with multiple selection tags

I am struggling with a jQuery issue involving multiple container elements with the class "product-sizes". Each container contains a select option for choosing between inches and centimeters, which triggers the corresponding table display. The problem arises when there are two or more containers - the tables don't switch properly between inch and cm, and the second container doesn't display the table at all.

If anyone can provide guidance on how to fix this issue or address it using vanilla JS, I would greatly appreciate it.

$('.product-sizes').each(function () {
    $(this).find('.measurement').on('change', function () {
... </script>

Answer №1

Your code is almost there in terms of functionality. Just ensure that you are targeting the right container element, .product-sizes, for showing/hiding elements within it.

Using a reference to the element and looping over each .product-sizes is a good approach. In the event handler function change, you can iterate through the tabs inside the container using jQuery's .toggle method based on their index.

The revised code snippet is as follows:

$('.product-sizes').each(function () {
  const $container = $(this);
  $container.on('change', '.measurement', function () {
    const activeTabIndex = Number($(this).val()) - 1;

    $container.find('.product-sizes__tab').each(function () {
      const $this = $(this);
      const isActive = $this.index() === activeTabIndex;
      $this.toggleClass('active', isActive);

An example fiddle can be found here.

If jQuery is already loaded, it is recommended to stick with jQuery for better readability and performance compared to pure vanilla JavaScript.

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