Tips for utilizing JavaScript getElementByClassName to retrieve all the elements within a ul without having to specify the class name in each li

Looking to tidy up my HTML/CSS. Is there a way to keep this JavaScript functioning without needing to add the class name to every li element within the ul? Any suggestions on how to improve the visual appeal and readability of the HTML code?

const ProfileForm = document.getElementsByClassName('profile_container');
const dash = document.getElementsByClassName('dashboard_buttons');
var index;
var array = [];
for (var i = 0; i < dash.length; i++) {


  dash[i].onclick = function() {
    index = array.indexOf(this);

    ProfileForm[index].style.display = "block";

    var check = ProfileForm[index];

    for (var i = 0; i < ProfileForm.length; i++) {
      if (ProfileForm[i].style.display == "block" && ProfileForm[i] != check) {
        ProfileForm[i].style.display = "none";

  <li class="dashboard_buttons"><i class="far fa-user"></i>Profile</li>
  <li class="dashboard_buttons"><i class="far fa-list-alt"></i>My Properties</li>
  <li class="dashboard_buttons"><i class="far fa-money-bill-alt"></i>My Offers</li>
  <li class="dashboard_buttons"><i class="fas fa-file-contract"></i>My Utilities & Ejari</li>
  <li class="dashboard_buttons"><i class="far fa-heart"></i>Favourite Properties</li>
  <li class="dashboard_buttons"><i class="far fa-envelope"></i>Messages</li>
  <li class="dashboard_buttons"><i class="fas fa-cogs"></i>Settings</li>

Answer â„–1

For selecting li elements within a specific ul, you can use the following code:

document.querySelectorAll("ul#myList li")
. This allows you to target only the li elements within the ul with the ID of "myList". Remember, using
document.querySelectorAll("ul li")
will select all li elements in the entire document.

<ul id="myList"><li>...</li></ul>

document.querySelectorAll("ul#myList li")

Answer â„–2

If you want to efficiently handle all events within a parent element, consider using event delegation. By utilizing event listeners over inline event handlers, you can achieve this while maintaining a clean separation between HTML and JavaScript.

To provide a simple demonstration, the code snippet below showcases how to unhighlight all list items and then highlight the clicked one. Please refer to the comments within the code for a more detailed explanation.

Does this example help clarify how you can accomplish your desired functionality?

// When the `ul` element is clicked, call `highlightItem` function
const list = document.getElementsByClassName("list")[0];
list.addEventListener("click", highlightItem);

// Define the event listener function
function highlightItem(event){ // The listener has access to the triggering event

  const clickedElement =; // Utilize the event's `target` property

  // Check if the click occurred on an `li` element
  if(clickedElement.tagName.toLowerCase() == "li"){

    // Select all list items
    const items = list.querySelectorAll("li");

    // Iterate through the collection
    for(let item of items){

      // Update the classList of the current item in the loop

      // Add or remove class based on whether it was the target of the click event
      if(item =={ item.classList.add("highlight"); }
.highlight{ background-color: yellow; }
<ul class="list">
  <li>My Properties</li>
  <li>My Offers</li>

Answer â„–3

One approach is to utilize query selector method

// Retrieve all 'li' tags throughout the page that have a class of "example"

let elements = document.querySelectorAll("li.example");

Answer â„–4

Try replacing document.getElementByClassName with document.querySelectorAll

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