Tips for triggering the .click() function upon returning to index.html after visiting a different page

I'm in the process of creating a portfolio website where the index.html page features a sliding navigation bar that displays a collection of projects. Each project is linked to a separate work.html page. I would like the sliding nav to automatically open upon returning from a work.html page to the index.html page.

I appreciate any assistance with this!

The code snippet

successfully opens the sliding nav, but I am unsure of how to specifically trigger this action only when returning from a project or work.html page.

Below is the navigation markup found on both the index.html and work.html pages:

<ul class="nav-list">
    <li class="nav-item">
        <a class="nav-link work" href=# onclick="openNav();showButton()">work</a>
    <li class="nav-item">
        <a class="nav-link" href="...">experience</a>
    <li class="nav-item">
        <a class="nav-link" href="..." rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">blog</a>
    <li class="nav-item">
        <a class="nav-link" href="about.html">about</a>

Upon returning to index.html, the '.work' link will automatically trigger the opening of the sliding nav.

Answer №1

Check out the code snippet below.

window.addEventListener('load', (event) => {
    if (document.referrer.indexOf('work') > -1) {
    //Execute necessary action

document.referrer provides the URL of the previous page.

Answer №2

In case you are working with React, consider placing the function in componentDidUpdate(). If you are working without any framework, maintain a list to track the user's navigation to your index page. Utilize window.location for this purpose. While it may not be the optimal solution, experiment with it to observe the outcomes.

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