Tips for switching back and forth with JQuery

I have an accordion element that opens on each click, but I am wondering how to close it back again?

Here is an example of the HTML structure:

<ul class="accordion">
<li id="one" class="files">
        <a href="#one">Calendar 1<span>10</span></a>
<ul class="sub-menu">
<li><a href="#"><em>01</em>Sub Menu<span>1</span></a></li>
<li id="two" class="mail">
        <a href="#two">Calendar 2<span>20</span></a>
<ul class="sub-menu">
<li><a href="#"><em>01</em>Sub Menu<span>2</span></a></li>
<li id="three" class="cloud">
        <a href="#three">Calendar 3<span>30</span></a>
<ul class="sub-menu">
<li><a href="#"><em>01</em>Sub Menu<span>3</span></a></li>
<li id="four" class="sign">
        <a href="#four">Calendar 4</a>
<ul class="sub-menu">
<li><a href="#"><em>01</em>Sub Menu</a></li>

And here is the corresponding Javascript code:

$(document).ready(function() {
  // Store variables
  var accordion_head = $('.accordion > li > a'),
      accordion_body = $('.accordion li > .sub-menu');

  // Open the first tab on load

  // Click function
  accordion_head.on('click', function(event) {
    // Disable header links

    // Show and hide the tabs on click
    if ($(this).attr('class') != 'active') {

You can view a live demo on this link.

Answer №1

Instead of explicitly checking for the active class and then deciding whether to add or remove it, you can simplify your code with the use of toggleClass:

accordion_head.on('click', function(event) {

Check out the Working Demo here

Answer №2

To simplify the code, you can eliminate the need for the if statement by utilizing both slideToggle and toggleClass like this:


Check out the Updated Fiddle

Answer №3

    if ($(this).attr('class') !== 'active'){
    } else {

Check out the latest fiddle version:

Answer №4

When using a tutorial, it's important to take the time to learn from it and not simply copy and paste the code without understanding it. It really is that simple:

In this case, I included an else statement at the end of the script:

      else {

Answer №5

Switch every occurrence of addClass to toggleClass and eliminate the need for checking if the class is active.

By using toggleClass(), we can now remove the class even if it is already added without the necessity of an if condition block.

accordion_head.first().toggleClass('active').next().slideDown('normal'); // Updated
$(this).toggleClass('active'); // Updated

View the code in action on JSfiddle

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