Tips for swapping out a div tag with another div tag in the same spot without needing to redirect to a different page by utilizing bootstrap

Currently, I am developing a JSP project that utilizes Bootstrap for the frontend.

I have come across a question regarding HTML design. Is there a way to replace one div tag with another div on the same page without navigating to a new URL using Bootstrap?

An example like Gmail where it replaces the mail list div with the email content div when a specific email is clicked.

I would greatly appreciate any solutions or suggestions you may have. Thank you!

Answer №1

It seems likely that jQuery is already included in your project if you're using Bootstrap. To dynamically load content, you'll need to make an Ajax request and then insert the response into your designated div:

$.get( "yourpage.html", function( data ) {
   $( "#result" ).html( data );

Make sure to replace 'result' with the id of your target div.

For a better user experience, consider triggering this action within an onClick event handler.

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