Tips for styling text with JavaScript's writeText method

Is there a way to customize the text in the writeText tag using Javascript? I want to display the words Eyes and Blue on separate lines, with one of them in a larger font size than the other. How can I style them individually?

    function writeText(txt) {
        document.getElementById("test").innerHTML = txt;


    <img src ="test.png" alt="Jacket" usemap="#test" />
    <p id="test"></p>
    <map name="test">
        <area shape="poly" coords="174,361,149,350"href=#; title="FInd" alt="Find" onmouseover="writeText('Eyes Blue')" onmouseout="writeText('')"/>

Thank you for your help!

Answer №1

To apply different styles to two texts, you need to use separate tags for each text. Texts within the same tag can only have one style applied. You can achieve this by using something like

<p style1>text1</p><p style2>text2</p>

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