Tips for styling an array of objects using mapping techniques

I have an array of messages and I am currently using the map() function. Each message in the array has two keys - one for the author and another for the message content. What I want to achieve is to change the styles of the div tag when displaying the last message. How can I accomplish this? Specifically, while mapping through the messages array, if the current element being mapped is the last one, I would like to add a div with modified styles (such as adding shadow or changing background focus on that specific div tag). Can you guide me on how to do this?


 <div id="messages" className="card-block">
                            {, index) => {

                                if( === this.props.match.params.user){
                                    return (
                                        <div key={index} className="msgBoxRight"><p className="msgTextRight">{message.message}</p></div>
                                    return (
                                        <div key={index} className="msgBoxLeft"><p className="msgTextLeft">{message.message}</p></div>

Screenshot of chat app:

Essentially, I wish to apply different styles to the latest message in the chat box, such as giving it a background focus or a box shadow. How can I achieve this effect?

Answer №1

Here's a simple solution using the css selector ":last-child":

.block .message {
  background-color: #ff0000

.block .message:last-child {
  background-color: #00ff00
<div class="block"> 
  <div class="message">message </div>
  <div class="message">message </div>
  <div class="message">message </div>
  <div class="message">last message</div>

Answer №2

The correlation between the variables index and length in an array can be expressed as:

index = length - 1 

By using this formula, you can determine which element in the array is the last one:

if (index + 1 === length) {
  // Apply your own custom styling here

Why not give it a shot?

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