Tips for styling a select element within a listview with the help of JQuery Mobile

Here is my current situation:

I am looking to position the select button next to the count without affecting the vertical size and alignment of the list item.

Methods I have attempted include:

  1. Creating CSS based on the .ul-li-count class, but it caused issues with the jQM enhancement.
  2. Attempting to create the buttons outside the listview, but struggling with vertical alignment.
  3. Experimenting with fieldsets, data-roles, divs, etc., all without success.

As far as I know, it's not possible to invoke a select programmatically; otherwise, I would simply add a plain button to the listview.

Any help or alternative document layout suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

If my comprehension is correct, you have the option to utilize some straightforward CSS code to modify jQuery Mobile's default layout:

/*absolutely position the <select> to the right side of the <li> and center it within the <li>*/
.custom_list .ui-select {
    position   : absolute;
    right      : 10px;
    top        : 50%;
    margin-top : -1.4em;
/*add some extra padding to the right side of the <li> to make the text wrap properly*/
.custom_list .ui-li {
    padding-right : 80px;
/*change the position of the <span class="ui-li-count"> to make room for the <select>*/
.custom_list .ui-li-count {
    right : 50px;

Please keep in mind that I am using the .custom_list class to target the specific <ul> element. For this method to function correctly, you need to either eliminate .custom_list from the CSS declarations above or apply the .custom_list class to the <ul> element you wish to customize.

You can view a demonstration of the above solution on jsfiddle:

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