Tips for stacking objects vertically in mobile or tablet view using HTML and CSS

I have been diligently working on a project using a fiddle, and everything appears to be running smoothly in desktop view.

The functionality is such that upon clicking any two product items (with one remaining selected by default), a detailed description box is displayed at the bottom explaining these products in detail.

The CSS code snippets I've implemented for the mobile view are as follows:

@media only screen and (max-width: 767px)
   overflow-x: auto;

.product-contents .product{
  min-width: 50.795%;
  margin: 0 2%;
    padding-top: 3.91%;
    padding-left: 3.91%;    padding-right: 3.91%;

Issue at Hand:

On the mobile view, there seems to be a slight problem. It appears that both product item explanations are visible when only one should be displayed without altering their appearance.

I aim for the mobile experience to mirror the desktop one - where clicking on a product item reveals its description at the bottom, and selecting another product item displays its corresponding description while keeping the layout unchanged.

The necessity of display:inline-block !important arises from my desire for the items to stack vertically in HTML/CSS on mobile devices. Removing this may compromise the visual integrity of the images and text.

Answer №1

The reason why this is happening is because you have specified

display: inline-block !important;
for both div.franchisehubtv and div.cloudbasedtextipad in the
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px)
, which takes precedence over your display: none; css.

Solution No: 1

To resolve this issue, you can remove those classes from the media query, so your @media section will look like this:

@media only screen and (max-width: 767px)
div.goal-setting, div.customization-tools, div.custom-invoicing, div.lead-tracking,, div.royalty-calculator, div.brand-control,,, div.employee-management, div.order-management, div.white-label {
  display: inline-block !important;
.cloudbasedtextipad, .franchisehubtv {
   flex-direction: column;
.tv img {
   max-width: 100%;
   height: auto;

Solution No: 2

You can also fix this by overriding the existing css with the following lines of code:

div.franchisehubtv[style="display: none;"] {
    display: none !important;
div.cloudbasedtextipad[style="display: none;"] {
    display: none !important;

Check out the updated fiddle here

Update: You may want to consider using flex for small devices to set your layout

Answer №2

It seems there may be a bit of confusion. Can you clarify if you want the mobile view to match the display on desktop? If that's the case, I suggest looking into utilizing the Bootstrap grid system and using their CSS as a guide.

Answer №3

Upon reviewing your existing solution, it appears that the second div contains a style rule that is activated when the screen width is below 767px, causing it to be displayed as an inline-block. By utilizing the !important declaration, this rule takes precedence over any other property declarations.

If you were to remove this particular rule, the layout would become distorted; however, the div remains hidden as required.

In terms of the layout structure, refining the flexbox rules within each div will be necessary. These rules can dynamically adjust the direction - either in column or row format - based on the same breakpoint:

flex-direction: column (for mobile)
flex-direction: row (for non-mobile)

Answer №4

One issue that needs attention is the use of inline style for setting the display property in the HTML code. This necessitates the use of important to override it. Another concern is the absence of display: inline-block consideration in your jQuery implementation.

Several adjustments need to be made. I have updated the fiddle to address these issues, where the items only become visible upon button click. There are various ways to accomplish this, but my goal was to make minimal changes to showcase the desired outcome.

Additionally, the functionality may not work on desktop as expected. As previously mentioned, multiple modifications will be required.

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