Tips for showing two divs alongside p tags in a single row

Is there a way to align two divs side by side on the same line, despite both having p tags and one containing an image that is necessary? I appreciate any workaround suggestions. Thank you!

Here is the code snippet:


<div class="MainMenu">
        <a href="home.php"><p>HOME</p></a>
        <a href="#"><p>ABOUT</p></a>
        <a href="store.php"><p>STORE</p></a>        

    <div class="MainMenuBasket">
        <img src="../Images/jigsoar-icons/PNG/light/64px/64_cart.png" width="px" height="px" />

        <a href="#"><p>BASKET</p></a>


.MainMenu{width: 680px; float: left; margin-top:25px;}
.MainMenu a{text-decoration: none; color: #FFF; }
.MainMenu a:link {color: #FFF; text-decoration: none;}
.MainMenu a:active {color: #; text-decoration: none;}
.MainMenu a:hover {background-color: #7D3B05; text-decoration: none;}
.MainMenu a:visited {color: #; text-decoration: none;}
.MainMenu p{display: inline; font-size: 18px; padding-left: 20px;}

.MainMenuBasket{float: left; margin-top:25px;}
.MainMenuBasket a{text-decoration:none; color: #FFF;}
.MainMenuBasket a:link {color: #FFF; text-decoration: none;}
.MainMenuBasket a:active {text-decoration: none;}
.MainMenuBasket a:hover {background-color: #7D3B05; text-decoration: none;}
.MainMenuBasket a:visited {text-decoration: none;}
.MainMenuBasket p {display: inline; font-size: 18px;  padding left: 20px;}

Answer №1

To adjust the width of the .NavigationMenu

.NavigationMenu {
    float: left;
    margin-top: 30px;
    width: 200px;

Example in Action:

Answer №2

To make .MainMenuBasket align properly on the right, add the attributes "position:absolute" and "float:right". Experiment with adjusting the "left" attribute of this class.

For future reference, consider utilizing the CSS library Bootstrap at . It offers a simple way to create divs like this one.

Answer №3

If you desire to have both div elements appear on the same line, then you must assign a float:left property to the first div and float:right to the second div.

Here is a sample code snippet to achieve this effect:

.MainMenuBasket{float: right; margin-top:25px;}

Answer №4

Replace the width property with display:table-cell in the styling of the element with class .MainMenu. Also, eliminate the float:left from the element with class .MainMenuBasket

.MainMenu{display:table-cell; margin-top:25px; background:violet}

Check out the DEMO here!

Answer №5

Do you require this?


.MainMenu{width: 680px; float: left; margin-top:25px; background:violet;float:left; width:300px;}
.MainMenu a{text-decoration: none; color: #FFF;display: inline; font-size: 18px; padding-left: 20px; }
.MainMenu a:link {color: #FFF; text-decoration: none;}
.MainMenu a:active {color: #; text-decoration: none;}
.MainMenu a:hover {background-color: #7D3B05; text-decoration: none;}
.MainMenu a:visited {color: #; text-decoration: none;}
.MainMenuBasket{float: left; margin-top:25px; background:maroon}
.MainMenuBasket a{text-decoration:none; color: #FFF;display: inline; font-size: 18px;  padding left: 20px;}
.MainMenuBasket a:link {color: #FFF; text-decoration: none;}
.MainMenuBasket a:active {text-decoration: none;}
.MainMenuBasket a:hover {background-color: #7D3B05; text-decoration: none;}
.MainMenuBasket a:visited {text-decoration: none;}


<div class="MainMenu">
    <a href="home.php">HOME</a>
    <a href="#">ABOUT</a>
    <a href="store.php">STORE</a>        

<div class="MainMenuBasket">
    <img src="../Images/jigsoar-icons/PNG/light/64px/64_cart.png" width="px" height="px" />
    <a href="#">BASKET</a>

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