Tips for showcasing embedded content in WordPress without the need for scrolling

I am in the process of building a website. The sidebar menu contains a list of pages and posts from my WordPress blog. Whenever I select a menu item, the content is displayed within one of the templates I have created in an Iframe.

However, there seems to be an issue with the content in my created template, specifically with a 'div' element that has a class of "collapse". When I trigger the collapse div, the content does not fully display unless I scroll down.

My goal is to have the content display without requiring scrolling, and I also want the height of the Iframe to adjust based on the size of the collapsible div.

Answer №1

<iframe id="new-iframe" src="your updated URL" scrolling="no" width="100%" ></iframe>
var h = window.innerHeight;
window.document.getElementById('new-iframe').style.height = h+'px';

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