Tips for setting up the Top Menu and Left Side Menu in your system

You're looking to incorporate both the Top Menu and Left Side Menu.

The top menu should remain fixed at the top of the page.

Implementing the Left Side Menu below the Top Menu has been a challenge. It's currently covering the top menu, which is not intended.

If we open the Left Side Menu, we need it to appear right under the Top Menu without overlapping. Any suggestions?

  • index.html code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    ... (rest of the HTML code)
  • left_sidemenu.css code
/* Custom CSS for the left side menu */


... (rest of the CSS code)

  • left_sidemenu.js code
/* JavaScript functionalities for the left sidemenu */ 

function showMenu() {
  // Code snippet for showing the left sidemenu

// Additional scripting for link colors and collapse functionality

  • top_menu.css code
/* Styling for the top menu */


... (remaining CSS styles for the top menu)


View Screenshot 1

View Screenshot 2

Answer №1

The issue you are experiencing is due to the excessive padding added to the top_menu item in your code. To address this, simply reduce the padding specified in the top_menu.css file:

body { 
    margin: 0;
    background-color: var(--bodybackground-color);
    font-family: 'STIX Two Math';
    padding-top: 45px;

Additionally, if the expanded nav bar overlaps with the header, it may be caused by padding applied to an existing element. Consider modifying the left_sidemenu.css file as follows:

/* Adjust body padding */
.body-pd {
    /* padding: rem 0 0 16rem; */

Alternatively, you can avoid adding top padding altogether to prevent the nav bar from overlapping vertically. Another suggestion would be to adjust the z-index so that the nav bar appears behind the header.

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