Tips for retaining the active li item selection after a page refresh

I am currently utilizing bootstrap for my web interface. I am encountering an issue where, when I click on a specific list item, the page redirects to a new webpage and the active item reverts back to the first item. How can I resolve this problem?

    <ul id="profileTabs" class="nav nav-list">
        <li class="active"><a href="http://localhost/ojr/user/edit/Charles0429" data-toggle="list">Profile</a></li>
        <li><a href="http://localhost/ojr/user/edit/Charles0429" data-toggle="list">About Me</a></li>
        <li><a href="http://localhost/ojr/user/edit/Charles0429" data-toggle="list">My Match</a></li>

Answer №1

In order to manage that, it is recommended to utilize either localstorage or cookies.

$(function() { 
  //for bootstrap 3 use '' instead of 'shown' in the next line
  $('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('shown', function (e) {
    //save the latest tab; use cookies if you like 'em better:
    localStorage.setItem('lastTab', $('id'));

  //go to the latest tab, if it exists:
  var lastTab = localStorage.getItem('lastTab');
  if (lastTab) {

Credit to How do I keep the current tab active with twitter bootstrap after a page reload?

The code above uses tabs, but consider trying to replace them with li's as needed.

Answer №2

To achieve this effect, you can utilize pure CSS. Simply assign classes to the HTML tags within your pages and unique classes to each list item (li).

For instance, HTML (for the profile page) would look like:

<html class="profilePage" >
    <ul id="profileTabs" class="nav nav-list">
        <li class="profileMenuItem"><a href="http://localhost/ojr/user/edit/Charles0429" data-toggle="list">Profile</a></li>
        <li class="aboutMenuItem"><a href="http://localhost/ojr/user/edit/Charles0429" data-toggle="list">About Me</a></li>
        <li class="matchMenuItem"><a href="http://localhost/ojr/user/edit/Charles0429" data-toggle="list">My Match</a></li>


.profilePage .profileMenuItem,
.aboutPage .aboutMenuItem,
.matchPage .matchMenuItem {
    /*styling for active state*/


<html class="profilePage" >
should be changed according to the specific page being viewed.

For example, on the My Match page:

<html class="matchPage" >

And on the About Me page:

<html class="aboutPage" >

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