Tips for preventing redundancy in html theme construction by using bootstrap classes only once

As I embark on creating an HTML theme, I have decided to incorporate Bootstrap 4.

One challenge I encountered was the need to repeat Bootstrap classes in various places, such as:

<div class="row border border-top-0 mt-2 p-2 bg-info">One</div>
<div class="row border border-top-0 mt-2 p-2 bg-info">example 2</div>
<div class="row border border-top-0 mt-2 p-2 bg-info">something</div>

This led me to wonder if it's possible to consolidate all these Bootstrap classes into a single custom name. For example:

myclass="row border border-top-0 mt-2 p-2 bg-info"

and then utilize this new class for elements like so:

<div class="myclass">One</div>
<div class="myclass">example 2</div>
<div class="myclass">something</div>

Please note that relying solely on copying and pasting is not recommended. If a new class needs to be added, it would require updating every instance individually.

Answer №1

If you haven't delved into all the BS4 documentation, there's a chance you could download the source code and manipulate it. However, I strongly advise against doing so.

It may not be clear why you're interested in this, but utilizing JavaScript is an option. You can define a string containing your preferred classes and apply them to the elements you desire or replace the current classes with them.

In this way, when you need to append another class to the list, just insert it within the declared string (myClass)

For example:

const myClass = 'row border margin-top'
document.querySelectorAll('.my-row').forEach(row => row.className += ` ${myClass}`)
div {

.border {
<div class="my-row"></div>
<div class="my-row"></div>
<div class="my-row"></div>

Option 2 . This is not recommended.

Instead of loading the URL of bs4, consider downloading the source files from Bootstrap and integrating them into your project.

Within these files, locate where they define the styles for each class and utilize SASS (bs4 is also written in Sass) to create your own custom class that builds upon the styles of the bs4 classes.

.myclass {
  @extend .row;
  @extend .border;
  @extend .mt-2;
  /* Add styles specific to myclass here */

Answer №2

Create your own custom CSS styles

Here's an example:

.custom-style { 
    border: 1px solid #333; 
    border-top: 0px; 
    margin-top: 5px; 
    padding: 3px; 
    background-color: #f9f9f9;

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