Tips for positioning and resizing images within a changing DIV dimension

My DIV element is adjusting its size based on the browser window. Inside this DIV, there is an image that should fill up the entire browser window without stretching out of proportion when the window dimensions change.

In addition, I want the image to be centered so that the viewer always sees the best part of the image, even if it becomes too large for the browser window.

I have tried various solutions and researched extensively, but I cannot seem to figure it out. Would using JavaScript or jQuery be a possible solution?

Below is the current CSS code for the DIV ID and IMAGE class:

#VisitUsSlides {
    left: 0px;

.resizingImage {

The image is scaling up and down, but it starts to distort horizontally when the window becomes too narrow, and it is not aligning at the center as desired.

Answer №1

Why not give it a shot?

<style type="text/css>
background-attachment:fixed;//**Edit: Don't forget to include this and test**
background-size:cover; //Make sure to add this as well and test


I hope this solution works for you.

Answer №2

assuming the id of the div is imageholder


I hope this solution is helpful.

Make sure to also set the maximum height and width of the image to its original dimensions when resizing the div.

Answer №3

img {

      padding : 0 auto;

why not give it a shot?

Arrange your div however you desire.

Answer №4

Check out this JavaScript snippet:

I'm not entirely sure if this is exactly what you're looking for, but it can definitely be tweaked and improved upon. I'm a bit unclear on your specific requirements.

Update: Here's a full page version to try out:

Answer №5

While there is a CSS3 property available, its level of support remains uncertain.

.imageResize {
 height: 100%;
 width: 100%;
 object-fit: contain; /*OR*/
 object-fit: fill; /*you may also explore the object-position property*/

Implementing this code will prevent the image from getting distorted.
Feel free to test it out since it's just a single line of CSS.

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