Tips for managing the background color of a box when the function is constantly refreshing in Internet Explorer

function process(Objects) {            
         var objectId = Objects;                


function displayContent(objectId) {
        var boxId =;
        var color = retrieveColor(objectId.status); // Different colors are retrieved from the database for each refresh
        if($('#boxcontent'+boxId).is(':visible')) {
        } else {
            var boxText = document.createElement("div");
   = "white-space:nowrap;text-align:center;border:2px solid ;background-color:"+color+";opacity:0.9;filter:alpha(opacity=90);-moz-border-radius: 5px;border-radius: 5px;color:black !important;";
            return boxText;

  • This content box is displayed on a map.
  • The background color of this box does not appear correctly in IE, but works fine in FireFox.
  • The first function refreshes every 10 seconds with different objects (each refresh changes the color).
  • In IE, the color is not changing properly - seeking help to solve this issue.

Answer №1

  • Make sure it refreshes every 10 seconds.
  • You mentioned that different objects will be received every 10 seconds.
  • Internet Explorer may encounter issues with resending data while refreshing, such as caching problems.

var color = getBackgroundColor(imgid.status);//I am passing different colors for each refresh (e.g. #D03C78 or #B8B8B8) values from the Database 
alert(" : color is : "+color)

  • Let's test this in Firefox and IE.

Answer №2

It's quite puzzling why IE isn't applying the color based on the provided information... It could be a CSS issue or a lack of commas, among other possibilities. Nevertheless, let me try to assist you. This code snippet seems to have a mix of JavaScript and jQuery, so I've attempted to consolidate it into jQuery for better compatibility with different browsers, especially IE. Additionally, I've introduced a class for cleaner organization.

// Initialization
var Objs = {
    id : 'test',
    status : "red"
// Calling function

function first(Objs) {            
    var imgid= Objs;                

function secondMethod(imgid) {
    var boxid =;
    var color = imgid.status;

    if($('#boxcontent' + boxid).length < 1) { // If box doesn't exist, create new one
        var boxText = $("<div></div>")
            .attr("id", "boxcontent"+boxid)
                'background-color' : color,
                opacity : 0.9 // Jquery sets filter for IE...

        $("body").append(boxText); // Insert here or return and insert later
        return boxText;


.basicStyleNoColor {
    border:2px solid ;
    -moz-border-radius: 5px;
    border-radius: 5px;
    color:black !important;    

You can find the code on

I hope this explanation proves helpful in some way...

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