Tips for making your div taller on all screen sizes

On any screen size, the red box height should increase with data and body while maintaining a 20px margin for the div. The data is displayed inside the red box on a 1920*1080 screen, but overflows on a 1360*768 screen.

background-color: red;
border: 10px solid yellow;
margin: 20px;
height: calc(100vh - 62px);

Answer №1

The main cause for the overflow of letters in the div is due to using vh, which represents 1% of the currently displayed height. Setting the height to 100vh makes it equal to 100% of the current screen's length. In this specific example, the CSS is defined as calc(100vh - 62px), meaning it is set to the current viewed height minus 62 pixels. Even with a screen size of 1920 * 1080, the example CSS still causes an overflow of text content. overflowed

In order to keep the letters inside the tag, it is essential to apply appropriate scripting.


    #test {

        background-color: red;

        border: 10px solid yellow;

        margin: 20px;

    <div id="test">
        put text here
    //Get id
    let div = document.getElementById('test')
    //It's the height of whole screen
    let height1 = document.body.clientHeight = height1 + 'px'

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