Tips for Locating an Element by Its Attribute in JQuery

I currently have a variable that holds a list of selects, and my goal is to filter out only those with a 'dependsOn' attribute set to 'EventType'.

My initial attempt below doesn't seem to work as intended and returns a count of 0:

var selects = $("select");
var count = selects.find("[dependsOn='EventType']").length

I also tried the code snippet below which achieves the desired result, but I'm wondering if there's a simpler way to accomplish this?

var dependents = [];
selectLists.each(function() {

    var dep = $(this).attr('dependsOn');
    if (dep === undefined) return;


Answer №1

If the attribute is located on the select tag itself, you can simply use this code:

var selects = $("select[dependsOn='EventType']"); 

However, it appears that dependsOn may not be a recognized attribute. Consider using custom data-* attributes for fully compliant HTML.

Answer №2

Refer to the documentation for the find method:

Retrieve the descendants of each element within the current matched set, based on a specified selector, jQuery object, or element.

If you're looking to filter elements, consider using filter:

Narrow down the selection of elements to only those that meet the criteria defined by the selector or function.


Alternatively, you can include the condition directly in your initial selector:


Answer №3

Experiment with your web browser's console (I personally prefer using Chrome) and utilize the following code:

selects = $("select[dependsOn='EventType']");

This method worked perfectly for me. Give it a try and hopefully it provides a solution for you as well!

Answer №4

When utilizing the data attribute:

You have the ability to execute the following code:

var selects = $("select");

The find() function is employed to identify child elements; in order to specifically target the select element, you can use:

var selects = $('select[data-dependsOn="EventType"]').length;

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