Tips for keeping a div fixed at the bottom of the page when scrolling after a checkbox has been selected

Typically, I don't ask questions until I've exhausted all other solutions...but here we are.

Despite my efforts in searching, I have not found any similar questions to mine.

So, my question is: How can I make a div at the bottom of the page sticky after selecting a checkbox, only returning to its original position when the user scrolls back up?

I came across an example on the Kickstarter website that demonstrates this feature: I wish I knew how they achieve it :)

If my explanation was unclear, please let me know so I can provide further details.

Thank you in advance

Answer №1

Once the checkbox is selected,

Feel free to apply the following CSS code to the div element

position:fixed; bottom:0;

Answer №2

Looking to make an element have a fixed position at the bottom of its container when checked


<div class="wrapper">
    <input type="checkbox" id="check"/>
    <div id="foot"></div>


var check = document.getElementById('check');
var foot = document.getElementById('foot');

check.addEventListener('change', function () {
    if (check.checked) { = 'fixed'; = 0;

JSFiddle link -

Update - restore position when unchecked

Additional Update - attach on scroll

Answer №3

By selecting the checkbox, a fixed position div is generated and the offset of the window's bottom edge is saved as the default window height. A scroll event is assigned to continually monitor if the scroll value matches the stored offset. Once it reaches this point, the fixed positioning on the div is removed.

Answer №4

In my opinion (and if I were the one doing it), the best approach would involve tracking the scroll position and dynamically adjusting a css style as needed.

Here is a potential solution:

  1. Start by injecting the element into the document in an invisible state
  2. Take note of its initial position on the page (y coordinate)
  3. Add a class to make it stick to the bottom of the window and become visible
  4. While scrolling, once the element reaches the expected y coordinate, remove the sticky class and let it flow normally in the document
  5. If the user continues to scroll past the element, reapply the sticky class until they return to view it

I hope this helps!

Answer №5

It seems like you are looking for a solution related to sticky elements. If that's the case, you can check out an example here

function sticky_relocate() {
    var window_top = $(window).scrollTop();
    var div_top = $('#sticky-anchor').offset().top
    if (window_top > div_top) {
    } else {
$(function () {

If this is not what you were looking for, please provide more details and code so we can better assist you.

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