Tips for increasing the height of a ghost image for an HTML draggable element

I'm currently working on a scheduling calendar that allows users to book time slots and easily drag and drop them to adjust the time. Each time slot is represented as a draggable HTML element. However, I've noticed a problem where the preview image (or ghost image) displayed when dragging small slots partially shows adjacent slots. In the example image below, you can see how dragging the first slot displays part of the second slot in the preview.

My theory is that the size of the ghost image may be controlled by a min-height property. Any suggestions on how to address this issue would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

Providing assistance without viewing the actual code can be a challenge.

You could be dragging the incorrect element, encountering errors in replicating the "ghost image," or facing another issue altogether.

If everything appears to be correct and the problem persists, it may be related to the CSS of your element. However, this is purely speculative with no code to reference.

A temporary fix involves setting a fixed height (matching the element you're dragging) for the ghost element and hiding its overflow property. While effective, this solution is not ideal.

I am more than willing to offer my assistance if you create a jsfiddle for me to review.

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