Tips for Incorporating HTML Code into an ASP Button's Text Attribute

How can I add a symbol to a button's text without it showing as blank?

The symbol in question is an arrow, which you can find here.

<asp:button id="btnAdd" runat="server" class="next"/>


   content = &#10095;

When I use Text='&#10095;', it ends up displaying a '?' symbol instead.

Answer №1

How about giving this a shot:

<asp:button id="btnAdd" runat="server" class="next" Text="&#10095;"/>

Answer №2

To easily change the Text attribute of an asp:button, follow these steps:

<asp:button Text="&#8594;" .../>


If the entity you are using isn't rendering correctly, consider using this one instead: &#8594;

In case a CSS solution is preferred:

The use of content is valid only with the :before or :after pseudo-selectors. Keep in mind that you're not changing the content of the button directly but adding text next to it! If opting for content, make sure to utilize unicode characters, as explained here.

   content: "\25BA";

For more information on utilizing CSS content property, visit:

Answer №3

<input type="submit" value="&#10137;">

When working with ASP.NET

<asp:Button ID="submitButton" Text="Submit &#10137;" runat="server" />

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