Tips for honing in on a particular card within a list of cards using React

I am currently working with React 17.0.2 and Material UI, and I have a specific requirement to focus on a particular card from a list of cards by clicking on it. (Please refer to the attached picture for clarification). I hope this explanation helps you understand my requirement.

<Grid md={3} className={classes.card}>
  <Card className={classes.root} style={{ cursor: "pointer" }}>
    <CardHeader title="Coloring Page" />
    <CardActions disableSpacing>
      <IconButton aria-label="add to favorites">
        <FavoriteIcon />
      <IconButton aria-label="share">
        <ShareIcon />

Answer №1

Here are two ways to achieve this:

  1. Develop a Dialog component and attach an onClick event to open the dialog with the desired data for each card individually.
  2. Create a component that includes both the dialog and the card, so clicking on it will open the card. This way, you only need to manage the opening of each card independently.

Personally, I prefer option number 2 because it allows me to control one component at a time, avoiding unnecessary re-renders of the parent component.

Answer №2

Try adding an onClick function to your component.

Alternatively, you can enclose the content within the Card component with ButtonBase and utilize the onClick function in Button Base.

          onClick={event => { ... }}
        <CardMedia ... />

For more information, please refer to this helpful thread on Stack Overflow.

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