Tips for hiding a table row in ASP Listview utilizing CSS

Can anybody help me understand why my ListView is ignoring the css properties applied to the div in the markup below?

        <td><%# Eval("RowNumber")%></td>
        <td><%# Eval("Desc")%></td>
    <div style="display: none; visibility: hidden">
            <td><%# Eval("RowNumber")%></td>
            <td><%# Eval("Desc")%></td>

Answer №1

What is the downside of simply using:

        <td><%# Eval("RowNumber")%></td>
        <td><%# Eval("Desc")%></td>
    <tr style="display: none;">
        <td><%# Eval("RowNumber")%></td>
        <td><%# Eval("Desc")%></td>

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