Tips for expanding a fabric canvas to match the entire width of its parent division

specific scenario I have a cloth canvas placed inside a main section. How can I expand the canvas to cover the entire width and height of its container?

Here is what my current code looks like:

<div class="design_editor_div">       
    <canvas id="c"  width="500" height="500" style="border-style:dashed;border-color:#a1a1a1;text-align:center;border-width:initial;"></canvas>
    <img src="{{ '2.png' | asset_url }}" title="" alt="" style="display: none" id="img">         

Answer №1

To apply styles to a child element of a div using CSS, you can use the following syntax:

canvas > div {
    display: block;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;

It is advisable to use a separate stylesheet for your CSS code and link it in the head section of your HTML document using

, or alternatively, enclose your styles within
<style> css... </style>
tags in the head. Inline CSS should be reserved for special cases where unique styling is required, such as applying bold (<strong>) or underline (<u>) formatting to specific elements like paragraphs (<p>). Using too many inline <style> tags may affect the readability and maintainability of your code.

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