Tips for ensuring Opera browser compatibility with buttons using the CSS background image property

Is there a way to make background images work on buttons in Opera web browser using CSS? I've tried using the background image property, but it doesn't show up when I use Opera. Strangely enough, it works fine in Firefox. However, I have noticed that some websites have button background images that display properly in Opera. How can I achieve this in Opera web browser?

Example: (check out the search button image on this displays well in Opera)

Answer №1

The link provided on that website is achieved by using a button element containing a span with a CSS-gradient background. Within the span, there is an i element showcasing a search icon as a background image. This specific setup was likely chosen not due to any issues with Opera but rather to optimize the use of an image sprite. The nested i element allows for precise positioning within the button while preventing other parts of the sprite from displaying.

It's worth noting that the button itself does not rely on any background styling for the gradient or icon, so browser support for these features is irrelevant in this context.

Additionally, given that Opera now utilizes the Blink engine, compatibility with properties supported by Chromium and Chrome extends to Opera since version 15.

Answer №2

The button does not utilize a direct css background image for its design. Instead, it includes an I element positioned inside the button.

Here is the corresponding HTML code:

<button class="btn large search-btn" type="submit">
         <i class="ico-search-btn"></i>

Subsequently, a background was applied to the .ico-search-btn class.

Have you experimented with this approach?

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