Tips for emphasizing all div elements located within two specific div elements

Imagine having a series of 10 divs numbered from 1 to 10, and then selecting div 2 and div 7. The goal is to highlight all the divs between these two selected divs once the ending div is chosen after the starting div (starting div=2 and ending div=7).

Currently, I am able to select any 2 divs and have them highlighted using CSS. However, now I want to enhance this functionality to include highlighting all the time slots between the 2 selected terminals.

<div *ngFor="let todayDate of dates; let z = index" class="dateBox">
    <div style="margin-bottom: 10px;">{{fullDate[z] | date: 'fullDate'}}</div>
    <div class="" *ngFor="let time of ScheduleTime; let i = index">
        <div *ngIf="todayDate ==">
            <div class="timeSlots" [ngClass]="{'startClass': time.hours == && time.minutes == && startDate ==, 'endClass': time.hours == && time.minutes == et.em && startDate ==}" (click)='timeSelector(time,i,todayDate)'>
                {{time.hours}}:{{time.minutes | zero}}

I already have the indexes of both selected divs. Is there a way to leverage this information to achieve what I am looking for?

Answer №1

Utilizing CSS rules is another option for achieving this. You can use the selected_element ~ element selector to target specific elements based on your requirements. The selected element could be an :nth-child or you can simply assign a custom class to it. After that, you can use the lastSelected_element ~ element to style the remaining elements with default styles.

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